Awake Community Prays the Rosary for the Healing of Victim-Survivors

Awake Milwaukee marked the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary last Thursday with a virtual rosary prayed for and with survivors of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

The prayer included the Luminous Mysteries, traditionally prayed on Thursdays. These mysteries “remind us of Jesus’s ministry for and with the people of the world, especially the brokenhearted and marginalized,” explained Sara Knutson, a member of the Awake Prayer Team, at the start of the event.

Each decade of the rosary was led by a different survivor of abuse in the Church, who offered an intention for the mystery. “I was particularly moved by the intentions each of the leaders chose,” said Lynn Charnitz, also a member of the Awake Prayer Team. “Each survivor chose a different facet of healing to pray for. All showed such compassion and depth of concern for others, despite, or perhaps because of the trauma they had experienced.” 

The mysteries and intentions are listed below. If you would like to pray along with a recording of the event (which is about 25 minutes long), it is also available below. Please consider sharing the recording with friends, fellow parishioners, or your pastor.

“I found it deeply meaningful to pray together in a community supportive of survivors, with survivors themselves leading us,” Knutson said after the event. “I believe that both prayer and prayerful action are necessary for justice and healing to occur, and these communal prayer opportunities are important components.”

Awake Rosary Intentions

First Luminous Mystery: The Baptism of Our Lord

For survivors, who may struggle with love and trust, that they might remember that God’s love for us is enveloping, always consistent, and never-ending.

Second Luminous Mystery: The Wedding at Cana

For the Church and her leaders, lay and clerical, and all parishioners, that they may see their mission as listening to survivors.

Third Luminous Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom

For the family members and friends of all who have experienced abuse in the Catholic Church, that they receive compassion and support on their own journey of healing.

Fourth Luminous Mystery: The Transfiguration

For the conversion of hearts and souls of those who abuse power and authority, especially those who do so through the manipulation of others.

Fifth Luminous Mystery: The Institution of the Eucharist

For all ministries and individuals working to bring healing and peace to each of God’s beloved children.


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