Awake Welcomes 6 New Members to Our Survivor Advisory Panel

Awake considers listening to and learning from victim-survivors of abuse to be central to our work as an organization, which makes our Survivor Advisory Panel a valuable part of our community. 

This diverse group of survivors is invested in the work of Awake. They bring a variety of perspectives to the table, offering honest feedback about our ideas, programs, and goals. The panel is comprised of women and men from across the United States, including Catholics and non-Catholics, lay people and clergy, those who were abused as minors and those who experienced abuse as adults. We know that not every Awake initiative will resonate with every survivor, but we consider the wisdom of survivors essential to the decisions we make in carrying out our mission.

Members of the Survivor Advisory Panel serve a one-year term beginning each fall, and many choose to continue serving beyond their initial term. Today we are honored to introduce the six new panelists who are stepping onto the panel for 2023-2024 year. We are grateful for the gifts they bring to our community and their willingness to be publicly identified in this way.  To see the complete list of Survivor Advisory Panel members, click here.

  • I am originally from Michigan, born and raised Catholic. Since 1998 when I got married, I have been living on Long Island where I am a stepmom to two adult children and a grandmother to two beautiful grandsons. I have my Master’s in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care from Fordham University. I am a clergy sexual abuse survivor, and although I no longer consider myself part of the Catholic Church, my faith continues to be my strength. Finding Awake has been a tremendous blessing for me. I am passionate about Awake’s mission and want to contribute to providing a safe space for survivors to be heard, supported, and empowered. I know personally how painfully complicated this healing journey can be and I hope for every survivor to know that their voice has value.

  • I live in Durham, North Carolina with my family. Over the last thirty years I have been a school teacher, director, and foundation director. When not at school, I am passionate about my community, family, gardening, cooking, and exercising, and I’m a Philly sports fan. My wife is a vet and we love our family pets (3 dogs and 3 cats) and are happy parents of three teenage daughters. Awake has provided me with a community rooted in trust as I reclaim my dignity, worth, faith, and love for myself and community. As an Advisory Panel member I am excited to support fellow survivors in their healing journey.

    John recently shared his Survivor Story on the Awake Blog.

  • I have served the greater Cincinnati area as a leader in Catholic adult formation for over 25 years. Most recently, I founded Magdala House where I host retreats and accompany others as mentor and spiritual director. I have a certificate in spiritual direction and am currently studying theology at the Athenaeum of Ohio. Before entering full time ministry, I worked as a statistician. My husband and I are parents to three adult sons, and I enjoy long walks in the woods with my golden retriever, Daisy May. Helping support the Awake community in its mission is an honor and privilege. I offer my own personal experiences with abuse in the Church and my formation as a spiritual director to accompany those seeking healing and to inspire transformation in the Church.

  • I am a husband, father of two adult children, businessman, practicing Catholic, and dear friend to many. Also, I am a childhood sexual abuse survivor by a member of the clergy who was a trusted friend of my parents at the time. My wife and I live in the Edgebrook neighborhood of Chicago and are parishioners of St. Mary of the Woods parish. I kept the secret for over 30 years until finally coming forward to tell my story to officials of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2006. It is a colossal act of courage for any survivor to tell their story. In my work with Awake, I hope to help survivors feel heard, believed, accompanied, and treated with real empathy and compassion.

    Mike previously shared his Survivor Story on the Awake Blog.

  • I am a cradle Catholic who was born and raised in Maryland and now lives in Washington, D.C. I have been a professional church musician for over 10 years and serve in Christian churches throughout the region. I also work full time in higher education administration. I am currently pursuing a Master of Divinity, with a focus on the effects of trauma on spirituality. As a survivor of abuse by a lay minister, I am passionate about spreading awareness of the spiritual effects of abuse by lay Catholic leaders and holding church leadership accountable.

  • I live in Plover, Wisconsin with my husband, Rusty. We have been married for 35 years and have 6 children. I worked for the Catholic Church for more than 30 years. In 2018, I left my position in the church and went into Life Coaching. In my free time, I love being outside and am an avid hiker, cycler, and pickle baller. I care deeply about the people who have been hurt by church leaders, and I bring a unique perspective as someone who was invested in the Catholic Church for 55 years and then made the decision to leave. I am grateful for the ways in which Awake has been victim centered, and I want to continue being a part of that mission where victims are heard and believed.


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