Awake Blog
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A Survivor Visits Rome
Last month, I was equally thrilled and apprehensive to travel to Rome to meet with delegates of the Synod on Synodality, Vatican leaders, and other ministry partners. As a survivor of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, I was not sure what this journey would feel like.

What is Vos Estis Lux Mundi? How Does It Affect Church Abuse Cases?
On the fifth anniversary of Vos Estis Lux Mundi, we offer a basic primer on this papal decree, which covers the investigation of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Courageous Conversation Explores Accountability for Bishops Under Vos Estis
Last week, Awake welcomed two respected observers of the Catholic Church to consider the first five years of Vos Estis Lux Mundi, a papal decree that created new church laws and procedures for reporting and investigating sexual abuse.

LOUDfence at Wheeling Cathedral Offers Support for Victim-Survivors
When worshippers arrived at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Wheeling, West Virginia for Mass this past Sunday, they found colorful ribbons tied to railings outside the building.

As Historic Synod Begins in Rome, Awake Asks Delegates to Remember Victim-Survivors
This is an important week for the Catholic Church, as clergy and lay leaders gather in Rome for a three-week meeting that is the next step of the Synod on Synodality. Called by Pope Francis in 2020, the…

Courageous Conversation: In Discussion Led by Survivors, Vatican Advisor Hans Zollner, SJ, Weighs in on Abuse in the Church
By Anselma Dolcich-AshleyGuest Writer Last week, Awake hosted Fr. Hans Zollner, SJ, director of the safeguarding institute of the Pontifical Gregorian University and advisor to Pope Francis, for an honest conversation with clergy abuse survivors Esther Harber and…

Hopeful News about the Synod Process — and Awake’s Synod Report
After Awake Milwaukee hosted two synod sessions in June to ensure that abuse survivors, their loved ones, and concerned Catholics had a voice in the global listening initiative of the Catholic Church, we submitted our report to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s synod team. Awake’s complete synod report is available on our website.

After Pope Francis’s Apology to Indigenous People in Canada, What Happens Next?
Last week Pope Francis made a six-day apostolic visit to Canada, where he met with leaders of Indigenous communities and apologized for the Catholic Church’s role in federally funded residential schools…

Awake Synod Sessions Will Ensure that Victim-Survivors and Advocates Are Heard
When Kathy Ann Coll learned about the 2021-2023 Synod on Synodality called by Pope Francis, she was eager to take part.

What Is Vos Estis, and How Is It Related to the Crisis in the Church?
On May 9, 2019, Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter called Vos Estis Lux Mundi, which translates as “You are the Light of the World.” The letter creates new Church law around sexual abuse for the worldwide Church—the Roman Catholic Church and the 23 Eastern Catholic Churches.