Awake Blog
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Awake Leaders Gather for Strategic Planning and Look Ahead with Hope
Last Saturday, leaders from Awake gathered in the Milwaukee area and virtually for a strategic planning day to brainstorm, discuss, and set our priorities for the next three years.

Awake Team Gathers for Annual Meeting to Reflect and Plan
Last weekend, thirty members of the Awake community from across the United States assembled for a hybrid, day-long meeting to socialize, reflect on previous work, brainstorm future projects, and pray together.

Awake Unveils A New Name and New Look
Members of the Awake community have likely noticed some buzz in the air. This week, we’re finally ready to share the news.

Awake’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2023
To mark the arrival of 2024, we take a look back over the Awake Blog in 2023, a busy year of growth for Awake. Here are the ten blog posts that were read and shared the most often.

Awake Community Pauses to Breathe and Pray in Advent Mini-Retreat
This week, Awake hosted a peaceful Advent mini-retreat based on the work of writer, poet, and liturgist Cole Arthur Riley (pictured above), author of This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us. A 48-minute-long recording…

Meet Awake’s New Patron Saints
In a special prayer service this week, Awake introduced a group of patron saints recently chosen for our community, and launched a novena calling on the intercession of these saints. A recording of the service, just 16 minutes…

As Historic Synod Begins in Rome, Awake Asks Delegates to Remember Victim-Survivors
This is an important week for the Catholic Church, as clergy and lay leaders gather in Rome for a three-week meeting that is the next step of the Synod on Synodality. Called by Pope Francis in 2020, the…

As Awake Begins Our Fifth Year, We Unveil An Updated Mission Statement
It’s hard to believe that it was only four years ago, in August 2019, that Awake Milwaukee was launched. What started as a small group of Catholic lay people gathering in my living room has become a vibrant, rapidly expanding nonprofit organization with a national and even international reach…

Awake Community Gathers to Celebrate God in the Stillness
Last week, Awake hosted its much-loved annual Prayer in the Park service, which featured hymns, scripture, poetry, and small group conversation, all built around the theme of “Finding God in the Stillness.” Some members of the Awake community…

The Awake Team Gathers to Connect and Look Ahead
Last weekend members of the Awake community gathered at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin for our third annual leadership gathering, which allowed the group to pray and reflect, socialize, and discern efforts for the year ahead.…

Courageous Conversation Explores How Other Faith Traditions Address Abuse
Last week, Awake hosted a Courageous Conversation featuring guests from Jewish, Protestant, and Muslim backgrounds who shared insights about addressing abuse in those contexts. The panelists included Toronto-based Dr. Guila Benchimol, senior adviser on…

Two Years Into Wisconsin’s Faith Leader Investigation, McCarrick is Charged, Survivors Can Still Report
Last week former cardinal Theodore McCarrick was charged in Wisconsin with fourth-degree sexual assault. The criminal charge was based on a report made by McCarrick’s victim, now in his 60s, who revealed that when he was 19, McCarrick…

6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse
Back in 2021 I wrote a blog post for Awake that covered some of the hurtful things that people sometimes say to clergy abuse survivors, along with more supportive things they might say instead. Many people read it and several survivors—including my mom—responded with additional things that they’ve heard from Catholics and would add to the list.

Awake Reflects on Darkness, Light, and Hope in Advent Prayer Service
Last Friday evening the Awake community gathered for an Advent prayer service exploring both darkness and the gift of light.

Awake Announces Newly Expanded Survivor Advisory Panel
Listening to survivors has always been a priority for Awake Milwaukee.
In our earliest days, before we had even chosen the name “Awake,” we gathered in Sara and Mike Larson’s living room in Milwaukee to listen to a woman who was abused by a priest in grade school. This survivor described her hard work to heal and the pain she experienced as an adult, when she faced legalistic Church leaders in her efforts to report her abuser, who remained in ministry. Listening to her was a powerful experience, reinforcing our drive to learn more about the problems of abuse and cover-up in the Church, to work for transformation and healing, and to understand how we might walk with abuse survivors.

Hopeful News about the Synod Process — and Awake’s Synod Report
After Awake Milwaukee hosted two synod sessions in June to ensure that abuse survivors, their loved ones, and concerned Catholics had a voice in the global listening initiative of the Catholic Church, we submitted our report to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s synod team. Awake’s complete synod report is available on our website.

Courageous Conversation: Abuse Survivors Share What They Want Catholics to Understand
Last week, Awake Milwaukee launched the third season of its popular Courageous Conversations series with “What I Want Catholics to Understand,” a panel discussion that featured five victim-survivors of abuse in the Catholic Church. A recording of the conversation is now available on Awake’s YouTube channel. Here we offer a summary of the main insights shared during the conversation, which was moderated by Sara Larson, executive director of Awake Milwaukee.

6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse
Back in 2021 I wrote a blog post for Awake that covered some of the hurtful things that people sometimes say to clergy abuse survivors, along with more supportive things they might say instead. Many people read it and several survivors—including my mom—responded with additional things that they’ve heard from Catholics and would add to the list.

Awake Leaders Gather to Plan, Pray, and Celebrate
On May 21, Awake Milwaukee’s leadership team, board of directors, and committed volunteers gathered for an in-person leadership gathering, providing the chance to reflect on the challenges and gifts of the work of awakening our community to the full reality of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Taking Stock of Wisconsin’s Investigation into Sexual Abuse by Faith Leaders
Last week Sara Larson, executive director of Awake Milwaukee, was interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) about the Wisconsin Department of Justice investigation into sexual abuse and cover-up by clergy and other faith leaders…