Awake Blog
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What is Vos Estis Lux Mundi? How Does It Affect Church Abuse Cases?
On the fifth anniversary of Vos Estis Lux Mundi, we offer a basic primer on this papal decree, which covers the investigation of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Two Years Into Wisconsin’s Faith Leader Investigation, McCarrick is Charged, Survivors Can Still Report
Last week former cardinal Theodore McCarrick was charged in Wisconsin with fourth-degree sexual assault. The criminal charge was based on a report made by McCarrick’s victim, now in his 60s, who revealed that when he was 19, McCarrick…

Part 2: Awake’s Recommendations for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee – Keeping Adults Safe from Abuse
Today we take a closer look at Awake’s second set of recommendations for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, related to the sexual abuse of adults. The complete set of recommendations for our archdiocese are available here. As we shared in a blog post earlier this week, these recommendations come out of efforts to walk with and listen to abuse survivors from across the country, as well as careful research of best practices implemented in other dioceses.

Why I Remain Catholic Despite the Sex Abuse Crisis
When the news of the McCarrick scandal hit the headlines, the blow to my family and our faith was devastating. Normally, I am an unabashed enthusiast full of love for the Catholic Church—sharing my faith even with secular friends—but these revelations reduced me to silence.

Is the Catholic Church Beginning to Address Abuse of Adults?
As we’ve noted on this blog many times, the problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is not limited to the abuse of children.

This Is Not The Time To Give Up
Thank goodness it’s May. April was long and hard on both my body and my soul. I am guessing that many of you feel the same way.

Why I Remain Catholic Despite the Sex Abuse Crisis
When the news of the McCarrick scandal hit the headlines, the blow to my family and our faith was devastating. Normally, I am an unabashed enthusiast full of love for the Catholic Church—sharing my faith even with secular friends—but these revelations reduced me to silence.