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Holiday How-To: 10 Tips for Talking with Your Family About Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
It’s the holiday season, a common time for family gatherings—and a chance to engage loved ones in important conversations.

Awake’s Most Popular Blog Posts of 2021
As Awake Milwaukee reflects at the close of the year, it’s rewarding to see which blog posts were read the most over the last 12 months.

Holiday How-To: 10 Tips for Talking with Your Family About Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church
It’s the holiday season, a common time for family gatherings—and a chance to engage loved ones in important conversations.

What Happens if I Make a Report to the Wisconsin Clergy Abuse Hotline?
Last week the office of Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul released details about the reports it has received so far through the Department of Justice (DOJ) hotline for reports of sexual abuse and cover-up by faith leaders…

What’s Happening with the Wisconsin Investigation of Abuse by Clergy and Religious Leaders?
Last week the office of Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul announced that it has received more than 100 reports so far in its statewide investigation of clergy and faith leader abuse. The investigation began in April when the Wisconsin Department of Justice…

Archdiocese of Milwaukee Raises Doubts About Statewide Clergy Abuse Investigation, Awake Responds
Earlier this month, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee sent a 12-page letter to Wisconsin attorney general Josh Kaul, expressing objections to the Department of Justice investigation of sexual abuse by clergy and other faith leaders, launched in April…

Courageous Conversation: Understanding Wisconsin’s Clergy Abuse Investigation
Awake’s latest Courageous Conversation offered Wisconsin Catholics insights into Attorney General Josh Kaul’s recently launched statewide investigation of sexual abuse by clergy and faith leaders.

When Michigan Investigated Clergy Sexual Abuse, My Former Pastor was Arrested
I don’t remember exactly how I found out that my former pastor had been arrested for criminal sexual conduct against an adult.