Awake Blog
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Awake Warmly Welcomes New Associate Director, Whitney True Francis
On September 4, Awake joyfully welcomed Whitney True Francis, our second full-time staff member. As she begins her work with Awake, we asked Whitney a few questions about her background, personal life, and hopes for this role.

Deborah Rodriguez
“The greatest challenge I have had to endure as a survivor is shame. Because others forced me to keep silent about the abuse, I thought I was the one at fault, that I had done something wrong.”

Update: The Archdiocese of Milwaukee Responds to Awake’s Priority Questions
As part of our ongoing effort to understand the abuse crisis at the local level, Awake submitted a list of questions to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in December 2019. (This previous blog post includes our complete list of questions and details about how we developed them.)