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Awake Announces Newly Expanded Survivor Advisory Panel
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Awake Announces Newly Expanded Survivor Advisory Panel

Listening to survivors has always been a priority for Awake Milwaukee.

In our earliest days, before we had even chosen the name “Awake,” we gathered in Sara and Mike Larson’s living room in Milwaukee to listen to a woman who was abused by a priest in grade school. This survivor described her hard work to heal and the pain she experienced as an adult, when she faced legalistic Church leaders in her efforts to report her abuser, who remained in ministry. Listening to her was a powerful experience, reinforcing our drive to learn more about the problems of abuse and cover-up in the Church, to work for transformation and healing, and to understand how we might walk with abuse survivors.

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Hopeful News about the Synod Process — and Awake’s Synod Report
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Hopeful News about the Synod Process — and Awake’s Synod Report

After Awake Milwaukee hosted two synod sessions in June to ensure that abuse survivors, their loved ones, and concerned Catholics had a voice in the global listening initiative of the Catholic Church, we submitted our report to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s synod team. Awake’s complete synod report is available on our website.

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Catholics Have Questions About Awake’s Next Step Recommendations. We Offer Answers.

Catholics Have Questions About Awake’s Next Step Recommendations. We Offer Answers.

We call the recommendations “Next Steps” because we see them as building on the progress the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has already made to assist survivors and address abuse by church leaders. But we believe more can and should be done. We developed these recommendations carefully over the course of two years by listening deeply to survivors and researching widely accepted best practices already implemented in other dioceses.

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Survivors Respond as Rembert Weakland is Honored with Archdiocesan Funeral
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Survivors Respond as Rembert Weakland is Honored with Archdiocesan Funeral

Today the Archdiocese of Milwaukee holds a funeral Mass for former archbishop of Milwaukee Rembert Weakland, who died on August 22 at age 95.

We at Awake know this may be a difficult day for many sexual abuse survivors and their loved ones, and the celebration of Weakland’s life may bring up strong, painful feelings. In a press release Awake issued today, we explained, “Sexual abuse, especially abuse by a religious leader, is a deep and long-lasting trauma, and we urge all people to be mindful of this reality when they speak about Weakland’s legacy.”

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Awake Shares Final Report from June Synod Sessions
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Awake Shares Final Report from June Synod Sessions

Earlier this month, Awake Milwaukee hosted two synod sessions as part of the global listening initiative of the Catholic Church. We created our sessions to center the voices of women and men who have experienced sexual abuse by Catholic leaders. Called by Pope Francis, the Synod on Synodality is designed to “inspire people to dream about the Church we are called to be, to make hope flourish, stimulate trust, bind up wounds, build bridges, enlighten minds, warm hearts and restore strength to our hands.”

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