Awake Blog

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“I Will Never Forget This Weekend”: Transformative Experiences at Awake’s First Retreat for Abuse Survivors

“I Will Never Forget This Weekend”: Transformative Experiences at Awake’s First Retreat for Abuse Survivors

I didn’t know what to expect when I stepped into Awake’s recent weekend retreat for abuse survivors. After months of planning and more Zoom meetings than I can count, we were finally bringing together 17 people who had experienced sexual abuse by a Catholic leader…

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Moral Injury: The Unexpected Wounds of Sexual Abuse in the Church
Erin O'Donnell Erin O'Donnell

Moral Injury: The Unexpected Wounds of Sexual Abuse in the Church

It’s little surprise to members of the Awake community that the twin crises of sexual abuse and cover-up in the Catholic Church have caused grave wounds, especially for victim-survivors of abuse. But recent research by Catholic moral theologian Marcus Mescher and his colleagues at Xavier University in Cincinnati sheds new light on some of the ways these crises have injured the Church.

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The Way of the Cross with Survivors: A Lenten Opportunity to Pray with Those Who Are Hurting

The Way of the Cross with Survivors: A Lenten Opportunity to Pray with Those Who Are Hurting

Last week Awake Milwaukee observed the Way of the Cross, a prayer service following the footsteps of Jesus to Calvary, accompanied by victim-survivors of sexual abuse and their friends and families. At each station, a survivor offered a reflection to help those praying to connect the sufferings of Jesus with the suffering of those who have experienced sexual abuse in the Church.

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6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse
Personal Reflection Jerri von den Bosch Personal Reflection Jerri von den Bosch

6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse

Back in 2021 I wrote a blog post for Awake that covered some of the hurtful things that people sometimes say to clergy abuse survivors, along with more supportive things they might say instead. Many people read it and several survivors—including my mom—responded with additional things that they’ve heard from Catholics and would add to the list. 

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Awake Announces Newly Expanded Survivor Advisory Panel
News About Awake Awake Leadership Team News About Awake Awake Leadership Team

Awake Announces Newly Expanded Survivor Advisory Panel

Listening to survivors has always been a priority for Awake Milwaukee.

In our earliest days, before we had even chosen the name “Awake,” we gathered in Sara and Mike Larson’s living room in Milwaukee to listen to a woman who was abused by a priest in grade school. This survivor described her hard work to heal and the pain she experienced as an adult, when she faced legalistic Church leaders in her efforts to report her abuser, who remained in ministry. Listening to her was a powerful experience, reinforcing our drive to learn more about the problems of abuse and cover-up in the Church, to work for transformation and healing, and to understand how we might walk with abuse survivors.

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What Is Racism’s Role in the Abuse Crisis?
Courageous Conversations Events, Residential Schools Awake Leadership Team Courageous Conversations Events, Residential Schools Awake Leadership Team

What Is Racism’s Role in the Abuse Crisis?

Last week Awake hosted a thought-provoking Courageous Conversation about the ways racism impacts the problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

The panel discussion, “Erased from the Narrative: The Role of Racism in the Abuse Crisis,” featured Fr. Bryan Massingale, a professor of ethics at Fordham University in New York and a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee; Maka Black Elk, executive director for Truth and Healing at Red Cloud Indian School in South Dakota; and Jeremy Cruz, a professor of theology and religious studies at St. John’s University in New York. The recording of the conversation is available here.

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