Awake Blog
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“Without Saying a Word, You are Safe and Understood”: Reflections from Awake’s Second Annual Survivor Retreat
There are many things I love about my work as Awake’s executive director, but our annual retreat for abuse survivors has quickly become the highlight of my year. It is a profound privilege to share this transformative experience.

Awake’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2023
To mark the arrival of 2024, we take a look back over the Awake Blog in 2023, a busy year of growth for Awake. Here are the ten blog posts that were read and shared the most often.

“I Will Never Forget This Weekend”: Transformative Experiences at Awake’s First Retreat for Abuse Survivors
I didn’t know what to expect when I stepped into Awake’s recent weekend retreat for abuse survivors. After months of planning and more Zoom meetings than I can count, we were finally bringing together 17 people who had experienced sexual abuse by a Catholic leader…

In Peaceful Mini-Retreat, Awake Reflects at the Doorway of Lent
Last weekend, members of the Awake community gathered for a three-hour mini-retreat to prepare for the season of Lent. Held at the St. Bakhita Catholic Worker House in Milwaukee, the retreat included people who have experienced harm in…