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Courageous Conversation: In Discussion Led by Survivors, Vatican Advisor Hans Zollner, SJ, Weighs in on Abuse in the Church

Courageous Conversation: In Discussion Led by Survivors, Vatican Advisor Hans Zollner, SJ, Weighs in on Abuse in the Church

By Anselma Dolcich-AshleyGuest Writer Last week, Awake hosted Fr. Hans Zollner, SJ, director of the safeguarding institute of the Pontifical Gregorian University and advisor to Pope Francis, for an honest conversation with clergy abuse survivors Esther Harber and…

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What Is Racism’s Role in the Abuse Crisis?
Courageous Conversations Events, Residential Schools Awake Leadership Team Courageous Conversations Events, Residential Schools Awake Leadership Team

What Is Racism’s Role in the Abuse Crisis?

Last week Awake hosted a thought-provoking Courageous Conversation about the ways racism impacts the problem of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

The panel discussion, “Erased from the Narrative: The Role of Racism in the Abuse Crisis,” featured Fr. Bryan Massingale, a professor of ethics at Fordham University in New York and a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee; Maka Black Elk, executive director for Truth and Healing at Red Cloud Indian School in South Dakota; and Jeremy Cruz, a professor of theology and religious studies at St. John’s University in New York. The recording of the conversation is available here.

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Courageous Conversation: Abuse Survivors Share What They Want Catholics to Understand
Courageous Conversations Events Awake Leadership Team Courageous Conversations Events Awake Leadership Team

Courageous Conversation: Abuse Survivors Share What They Want Catholics to Understand

Last week, Awake Milwaukee launched the third season of its popular Courageous Conversations series with “What I Want Catholics to Understand,” a panel discussion that featured five victim-survivors of abuse in the Catholic Church. A recording of the conversation is now available on Awake’s YouTube channel. Here we offer a summary of the main insights shared during the conversation, which was moderated by Sara Larson, executive director of Awake Milwaukee.

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Courageous Conversation: Understanding Trauma to Build Trauma–Sensitive Parishes
Courageous Conversations Events Erin O'Donnell Courageous Conversations Events Erin O'Donnell

Courageous Conversation: Understanding Trauma to Build Trauma–Sensitive Parishes

Every parish has members who have experienced sexual abuse or other types of trauma, making it essential to create communities that feel welcoming and safe to victims and survivors, said Stephen Saunders, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Marquette University, during Awake’s latest Courageous Conversation event.

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